Welcome to the T1 Club
The T1 Club was established in 2019 in the North-West area of Northern Ireland to fulfil a need to create a much-needed community for young people with Type One Diabetes and their families. We have an active WhatsApp parents group, as well as monthly activities for all the family.
Contact us: typeoneclub@gmail.com

Together we are stronger... 💪
The T1 Club was established in 2019 in the North-West area of Northern Ireland to fulfil a need to create a much-needed community for young people with Type One Diabetes and their families.
As parents of children and young people with Type One we recognised that although medically our children were catered for, they had no way of meeting others and learning about life with Diabetes from their peers unless they happened to say hello in the waiting room at clinic... so the T1 Club was born!
After a diagnosis of Type One Diabetes life can be very lonely for not only the child/young person but for the whole family. What we want to create is a support network for parents, care-givers and also peer support and friendships for our young people.

What We Offer
We offer support for parents through our WhatsApp group, and a chance for young people to meet other with type 1 diabetes through our events and meetups. Most of all we offer friendship and understanding.
Together we are strong!

Family Support
Our group is run by parents and caregivers who know what it's like to live with Type One Diabetes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We want to be able to reach out and support as many other families as we can through our family meet-ups and training events. We offer a WhatsApp group specifically for parents so they can interact with each other at any time.

Junior and Teen Programmes
We hold specific programmes for Juniors and teens throughout the year, and also give our young people the chance to volunteer at various events. Our aim is for our young people to provide peer support and friendship for each other so they know they are NOT alone.
We hold monthly Meet-ups at the Brunswick Moviebowl, where we play bowls and provide peer support for our families and young people. We also hold events during school holidays, and love a good excuse for our legendary T1Club parties!
Recent Events
Here are some of the fundraising events we've been up to recently!

Dip for Diabetes
Benone Beach, Sun 4th June
Upcoming Events
- Sun, 16 MarLeisureland
- Mon, 22 DecBrunswick Moviebowl